Wednesday 17 October 2012

Information Management?

I believe everybody knew what is information but now everybody know how to manage information. According to many historians, the method of systematically managing information can be traced back to many ancient civilizations such as Ancient Greek, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Chinese, Ancient Babylon and the Indus Civilization. However, maybe the most popular and well-known is the method of information management in Ancient Egypt. When people talked about Egypt, they will always picture the Pyramid but what most people don't know is that Pyramid is one of a tool used by the Ancient Egyptians to managed and stored information.

A Pyramid (Source: Google)

Don't be surprised that the drawings inside the Pyramid contained a lot of information and some of that information can even challenge our beliefs of how ancient people really live their life. Many scientists and archaeologists are stunted by how effective the Ancient Egyptians manage their information such as how the make beer or bread by systematically drawing them at the wall of the Pyramid. Today, modern people can accurately recreate the exact beer or bread with the same process used by the Ancient Egyptians. Please be noted that the method of producing Egyptians beer was lost for about 3000 years until the archaeologists managed to uncover the secret of Ancient Egyptian' hieroglyph language using the Rosetta Stone in the 19th Century.

Beer in Ancient Egypt (Source: Youtube)

While the Ancient Egyptians are popular for their method of using drawings to manage information, the Ancient Chinese are very popular for managing information such as the accounting information. This achievement is said to be driven by the invention of papers by the Chinese. The invention of paper has allow the Chinese to record and manage information easily with lower costs and smaller space for storing compared to the Ancient Egyptians. The lightweight of the paper has allow human to exchange information and manage information easily rather than by writing them in the wall of a building. This trend of exchanging and managing information is getting lighter and smaller especially since the dawn of Information Age.

Technological innovation has allow human to manage information even more effective and efficient than before. For example, human nowadays can just exchanging information virtually via Internet without even need to carry the information personally and if they do need to carry information, the information can be stored inside an USB or even into the person's phone where he/she can transfers the information via Bluetooth. Furthermore, technological advancement has also help human in managing complex information quicker and easier although it may require complex calculation or strategic long-term forecast that may involve millions or billions of data.

(Source: Google)

It is not even aggravate to state that the people in this modern society especially in the business society may not even survive without information technology. This is because technological innovation also bring new challenges into the modern society where it creates a very stiff competition for new innovation and sustainable operation. People especially in the business society nowadays depend upon information that are accurate and fast. This put a new responsibility for the organization to install an information management system in order to ease the information management process. However, the installation of the system does not guarantee success, the businesses themselves must learn on how to operate the system effectively in order to fully utilize the potential of information management.

"You better adapt to your surrounding or you may lose"
Thomas Edison

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