Sunday 2 December 2012

The Future of Technology

As being discussed in the earlier posts, the development of human race is in parallel with the advancement of technology where technology has allow human to manage information efficiently, to defend ourselves against any potential threat and to achieve a modern comfortable lifestyle. Now, everything have been made easier with the help of technology such as phones, computers, internet, satellites and so many more innovations that some people may even think that there is nothing left to be researched on. But, the technology will always progress ahead and as the technology continue to advance forward, it will definitely reshape our life and this planet.

Future Technology (Source: Google)

When imagining about the future, we often visualize robots and space ships but in reality that future is nearer than we think. Robotic technology and aerospace technology are developing in this era such as seen in Japan where they were able to create a fully-functioning combat robot that may change the doctrine of war or in United Kingdom where they are launching space tourism. Although these new futuristic achievements have only been unlocked in the recent years of 2010-2012 but honestly, these technologies might be ahead of their time of 10 to 20 years more into the future. Thus, this shows that the rate in which our technology advance is stunningly and incredibly fast. For quick example, we can see in the development of smart phone. The rate of technology development in smart phone is so fast that a phone that we buy today may be outdated in just under a month as new model with new innovation and the latest technology come into the market.

Japan Battle Robot (Source: JSDF)

Virgin Galactic Space Tourism (Source: Virgin)

Before, all these just seem like science fictions in many movies such as I Robot, Star Wars, Avatar and Gundam  but now we are able to live inside these dream worlds and experience it. Somehow these technologies have made us think that there is nothing that we can't accomplish and this gives us a sense of superiority. But, please be reminded that our knowledge are still limited because the knowledge of the vast universe is limitless for our minds to comprehend. However, this does give us the opportunity to develop and expand our knowledge as there is still so many things to be discovered and explored.

Future Technology (Source: Youtube)

Despite all the advantages that the technology gives us, it does not come without consequences. Some technology does has direct consequences like the advancement in weaponry technology mean that weapons nowadays are becoming more and more deadly. Not to mention the indirect consequences such as shown in movies such as Terminator and Resident Evil where human race was overtaken by the technology that we developed to protect ourselves and to ease our life. Besides that, there are many real scenarios and situations that portray the disadvantages of having advance technology such as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that were destroyed by Atomic Bombs or in Chernobyl that was devastated by nuclear radiation.

Future War (Source: Google)

However, please do not let this disadvantages doubt your opinion about technology because technology is necessary for our survival. The 7 billion human population nowadays is only able to grow and strive because of the technology has allow us to do so. It is technology that allow us to grow crops to support our growing population and it is also the technology that allow us to keep ourselves healthy. We cannot separate human history with technology because it is a part of our history as it helps define us the way we are now. Therefore, what we can do is to carefully develop the technology through a carefully and ethically correct guideline. Well, it is easier said than done because honestly there is no guideline that can be used as a universal guide for technological innovation because history has proved that some of our most important technologies were invented with unethical reasons such as nuclear energy that was invented by the United States in order to destroy the Axis Power in World War II or computer that was invented in order to help data analysis for espionage purposes. Therefore, although the line between right or wrong in technology is still quite blur and is still open for debate but we human need technology to develop in order to effectively survive. So, give technology a chance to develop and we need to start trusting ourselves and our children that all of us will do the right for our own future and the future of our planet. 

Better Future (Source: Google)

"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today"
Malcolm X